I want to thank you all for voting in the Blues Blast Magazine Music Awards for me; Best Female Artist!!! I really appreciate it more than you know…..
We’ll know the results at the awards show, at the Fluid Events Center in Champaign, IL on September 23rd…..doors at 5:00pm, and runs till?? at least midnight, if not longer…it’s a wonderful show with multiple stages, and they’ve got it tuned like clock-work, so there’s never a lull in the whole evening…..check it out here: http://fluideventcenter.com/ You can have a gander at all the cool things going on here…..
Just chillin’ and listening to my being a guest curator spot on Blues411 for this month.
So from now till the end of August!!! Here’s the days and times it’s on, a 2 hour show of some of my favorite tunes, as well as my own!!! Check it out…..