I want to thank all the DJ’s for making my new CD, Mighty Gates such a success! It means so much to me, and us all that you’re there for the Blues…..We couldn’t do it without you. You’re tireless in your and faithful work and it really shows, mostly with little or no pay……when you listeners call, be sure to say how much you appreciate each and every one of them, I know I do!!!!
Yup! It’s that time again…the IBC’s in Memphis, better known as the International Blues Challenge going on in Memphis, TN this week!!! Heading over there to cheer them all on. This is an opportunity for many, many artists to get a possible ‘leg-up’ in the Blues genre, if they haven’t already, and it’s great fun to see all the acts from all over the world compete in all their categories. Where else can you find so many friends that gather as well…..I love it.
More later,